Friday, May 15, 2015

Boris Dobrodeev: “We have signed contracts with 110 owners” – News

Boris Dobrodeev:

Photo: TASS / Press service of ONF

In September last year, the fund United Capital Partners (UCP) has completed a deal to sale of 48% stake in the social network “VKontakte” company Mail.Ru Group. The deal amounted to $ 1.47 billion. Mail.Ru became the owner of 100% shares of “VKontakte”. In an interview with “Izvestia” Vladimir Zykov social network CEO Boris Dobrodeev spoke about plans to create a video archive, which can make the administrators of communities and groups in social networks, on the legalization of content and of why “VKontakte” wants to run his messenger.

– Have you changed anything for “VKontakte” after consolidated 100% of the shares?

– We have integrated Mail.Ru from where it had direct economic and operational sense. Here we can mention the launch advertising platform MyTarget (advertising mobile applications. – “News”), which led to the unification of all mobile traffic “VKontakte” and allowed to sell advertising “one window”. This is a logical decision.

Our Moscow office moved to the office At first we did not plan to do it, but has a large and comfortable office, where a lot of space, why do not you move there?

All the moderate and reasonable. We interact with, where we see a clear synergy. No integration for integration. Somewhere they will help advice, we listen, or go on its way. It has been nearly eight months since the merger – the flight is normal.

– 1 May entered into force on advanced anti-piracy law, and now it applies not only to the video, but the music and holders have the opportunity to close the sites of recurrent violations.

– May 1 arrived. We have no negatives from users and owners can not see. In negotiations with the owners can only be noted that over the legalization of rights for music has one of the best lawyers in the field of intellectual rights by Joel Katz.

– who has been working with the Russian owners of rights the music?

– This work is “The combined media agency”, which is working with Katz.

– known that a number of music producers are convinced that the music of “VKontakte” can not be deleted, because it’s a great promoploschadka. But the special tool in the social network for the promotion of new authors yet. He will be?

– «VKontakte” – a good platform for the promotion of artists and their communication with users. There are already a number of examples when artists unwound makes a successful releases of their albums in “VKontakte”. The functionality of the social network allows it. Do not rule out the emergence of additional services for the promotion of the artists after the “cleaning” of the rights to the music.

– If we talk about the video. With many owners failed to agree?

– We have signed contracts with more than 110 owners through aggregator Pladform. They hold lots of content – more than 200 thousand. Units. We continue to work. One can predict that by the end of the year the vast majority of the Russian market of video content will be covered by us.

– What do you consider the most important success of the negotiations?

– We were able to negotiate with a number of owners, we do not erase the User Content that violates the law. Instead, we find all copies thereof, including fragments of videos, and are marked as data content owners. Now they will be able to make this content. We know examples where rights holders earn more than 80% of revenue from video advertising on our site by marking it is user-generated content.
Due to the fact that we will not remove fragments of the film without disturbing the user experience. If a person wanted to lay out a specific part of the show, which he thinks is interesting, this video will continue in its present form. On the other hand, the right holder is also a winner – he gets an additional distribution. Perhaps if the video was not laid out in a truncated form, it would not have looked. In general, people on the Internet watch the cutscene.

– Do I understand that the search function is implemented all of the films based on the technology of “digital fingerprint»?

– Not only. The mechanism of the “digital fingerprint” launched a month ago. He was still at the stage of the test.

– You started to actively develop the video section, recently launched it in the new format.

– In fact, recently we have a new video section – machine algorithm selects clips based on user preferences. Of course, this development of the video “VKontakte” ends. We have plans to start an archive or exchange videokontakta – still think of the name. Together with the partner aggregation – PladForm – we accumulate in his archive a large number of videos like a professional license, and the user. All videos legalized, classified, including in terms of advertising opportunities. We decided to give the opportunity to all administrators of communities “VKontakte” to place this content in their communities.

– Why do we need managers?

– The administrator of each community will receive a thematic library of videos, which can entertain its users. As we understand it, as opposed to text and photo video production costly in terms of resources. This ready-for-run movies administrator will receive a percentage of the advertising revenue.

In fact, “VKontakte” for all administrators of the community to work on the legalization of video monetization and layout of interest. We can only teach it competently. This work we pay thousands of administrators who are better than we know our users. As a result, users benefit as well as the quality and relevance of the video will increase.

– We are talking about custom rollers?

– Any, including custom. We custom video are difficult situations to copyright. On the stock exchange comes only tested content. Employees of “VKontakte” ready to consider any controversial case.

– Users upload your own video to the social network will be able to receive money for it?

– Yes, if they are the owners. The application must be submitted to our partners in PladForm, they will give access to statistics and other useful services.

– What will happen to the video, in which the right holder is not specified?

– As long as a person is not claimed the video, no copyright owner. This is not about professional content and video on the user who uploaded it on user’s agreement gives “VKontakte” right to dispose of this roller.

– Do you plan to give users the ability to download video, the rights to which “cleaned»?

– No, we do not plan to. We are interested in viewing on our site.

– Can you explain the meaning of the creation of yet another messenger, which in the market and so many. In addition, a few years ago the social network was an attempt to start his messenger, but it seems to have failed …

– What was up to me, I do not want comment. I can say that the market there is a messenger, is growing and it is logical from the company to support this process. If users want to use the “VKontakte” as an instrument of correspondence – even better they will use our messenger than the side.


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