Saturday, February 11, 2017

Roskomnadzor is convinced that “Echo of Moscow” will eliminate violations until February 15 – TVOY GOROD Pskov

confirmed Receipt of the letter of the chief editor of the station Alexei Venediktov. The letter was sent on 31 January, the General boss of the radio station Ekaterina Pavlova, and he got it February 6. “I got it February 6, to me it has been sent”, — he explained.

“the bottom line is that a deadline is necessary, some documents to put in full compliance with the law and requirements that limit foreign capital in the Russian media,” said Ampelonskiy in an interview with RBC.

Pavlova is sure that violations of the radio station will eliminate in the next a number of days. In case of default of requirements of the legislation, according to the latest media reports, the activities of the radio station “Echo of Moscow” can be suspended.

In Roskomnadzor believe that the “Echo of Moscow” violated the provisions of article 19.1 of the law “On mass media”, according to which Russian legal entity with foreign participation “is not entitled to act as a founder (participant) of the media”. According to some professionals, based on the provisions of the law “On mass media” to foreign residents and companies in principle do not have the right to be co-founders of Russian media companies. “Always informed about 20 percent, currently talking about a null package”, — said Venediktov. However, we understand the question. The question of timing. however, I think we are all reasonable people. Venediktov called the incident a “legal conflict.”, so how to solve this issue in such a short time is impossible.

At the end of January of the previous year Venediktov argued that the ownership structure of “Echo” was given in compliance with the new law. “This legal conflict, the law passed by the sloppy,” says Venediktov. “The lawyers are working, let’s see what they can do,” explained Alexei Venediktov.

With all this, it is noted that “a foreign state, an international organization, under the control of the organization, foreign legal entity, Russian legal entity with foreign participation, a foreign resident. may not be a mass media owner”.

he Also explained to “Mediazone” which the Agency has no claims to the fact that among the founders is a foreign company, and its derivation from the number of owners is not required. Venediktov has complained that now they are asking Sveti share to zero.


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