Sunday, January 4, 2015

UK will provide the world with chocolate – Neelov

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Experts UK decided to create a special set, which will grow fertile species cocoa trees. British scientists intend to bring the perfect tree, “chocolate».

British experts want to solve the problem of scale for the production of chocolate, which is that cocoa beans are grown in Brazil, Africa, and the chocolate is produced in Europe and the United States. The British have decided to grow and produce chocolate, providing a sweet treat all over the world.

At the moment, the lack of chocolate in the world, since 30% of cocoa beans do not have time to deliver fresh chocolate factory, and they disappear. The reason lies in the duration of transport.

British scientists conceived to bring the perfect “chocolate” tree, which can grow comfortable in northern latitudes Britain. Now the city of Reading built a greenhouse complex, which is grown about 400 species of “chocolate” trees.

In the case of the success of British experts, the UK will become massively build greenhouses and grow their own cocoa trees. In this case, the chocolate will be made to British plants in large quantities. Then the UK will provide the entire world of chocolate products.

See also:




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