Sunday, October 12, 2014

Science for all ages – BBC News

In Moscow summarize the All-Russian Festival of Science. Three days in the capital, with exhibitions, conferences, scientists from around the world giving master classes. According to tradition, became the center of communication MSU. Total, the event was attended by about two million people from 70 Russian regions, which is a record for the festival.

The fact that the science for all ages, we can see, once the contest “Scientists the future. ” Sixth graders Coast Pugachev still only 12 years old but he has already developed a project that is not ashamed to submit to the court the leading professors of Russia – the so-called “emergency exit road for all types of vehicles”.

“I learned how the average speed moving my machine – it moves with a speed of 0.5 meters per second. Then I wondered what would happen if she will go on the sand, and it turned out that its rate was halved. I concluded that the emergency exit is necessary made from a mixture of sand, gravel and expanded clay, “- says the inquisitive student.

Such as Kostya, the competition about a hundred. Pupils not only from Russia but also from the CIS countries brought their inventions at the Festival of Science. Studies of children may not be as significant and, but organizers say the main thing – to encourage children motivation and interest in science.

The Director of the competition “The scientists of the future,” Sergey Sergeev said: “We have 93 projects, and at the same time we have 63 members of the jury. turns out that for every three participants have two specialist when it comes to the average. Actually communicate much more “.

In addition, these days anyone could attend the lectures of famous scientists, including four Nobel laureates. One of them – Harald zur Hausen. The man who, in fact, invented a vaccine against cancer, it is recognized that miss Science Festival in Moscow could not. “I have a lot of friends from Russia, they invited me. For me it is a great pleasure – to be here again, in Moscow. I am watching what is happening in the Russian science, I’m interested. So when they called me, I came immediately here “- he said.

Microbiology, nanotechnology, quantum physics and, of course, space. Developments in the conquest of the universe in the Russian festival paid special attention. One of the highlights of the Festival of Science – a teleconference with the International Space Station. For the second consecutive year, the astronauts get in touch with the MSU and answer questions from participants of the festival and talk about how things there – in space.

Why did you decide to become astronauts? Than on the ISS do? What dreams are dreams in weightlessness? Cosmonaut Sergei Ryazan said that the questions to the astronauts almost always ask the same. A year ago, he answered them, and now returned to earth and willing to share emotions.

When the 2006 Science Festival was held for the first time, it is, in fact, was an internal exercise MSU. Participate in it then took about 20 thousand people. Today, eight years later, the festival “Science 0+” – an event on a national scale: in 2014, it joined 70 regions of Russia and nearly 2 million people.


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